Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Childhood Obesity: How to Face It and Conquer It

Who buys the food? The parents do.
It used to be that one of the main reasons kids would go to the doctor was because of a nasty case of the flu or run of the mill ear infection. For the most part, after few days of anti-biotics the problem would be solved, and it would just be chucked off to a part of growing up.
Sadly, what has started to emerge as a result of economic growth across the United States, which has practically brought an end to the starvation of American children, is the epidemic of childhood obesity. Some will argue that it could simply be the new normal and putting it in the negative light could severely damage a child’s body image and self-confidence. However, what can’t be escaped is the life time health complications that could decrease a child’s life span by more than half as a result of long term fatal diseases they would have to deal with. Those characteristics prove one thing; obesity is indeed a disease. Classifying it as the new normal thereby something that should just be expected as part of the changing times is not only impossible, but irresponsible as well.
So, if this epidemic is, in fact, a disease, why aren’t parents doing more to curve it? Is there a hidden cause they’re not aware of? Unfortunately, the answer is negative to both questions. They’re not doing enough to curve it because they model bad dietary habits in front of their children, which lead to obesity. The cause is far from hidden since most parents are quite aware of it in fact, sugary snacks, fast food, saturated fat, fast food, ready made meals, etc. etc. etc. become part of their only daily meal prep routines as well.
What tastes so good today could kill you later. Say that these days and you might as well ask for the mob with pitch forks to wait outside your house. However, until more parents wake up to that reality and not take offence to it they’ll continue to buy the food that may taste good, but in reality, is slowly putting their children into an early grave.
So, how do we fix this?
Buy healthy food and not packages of brightly-colored morsels loaded with ingredients that are high in all ingredients that taste great, but ultimately could cut a life time in half. To most parents this is definitely easier said than done since it’s true these do taste pretty good and there is no way to deny the fact that they are cheap as well. Nevertheless, avoiding it is the key to success. Could the best way to accomplish this be as simple as creating a list? Who knew?
Who prepares the meals? The parents do.
Asking most parents to cook these days is akin to implementing joining a triathlon mandatory. What was considered to be a normal part of routines for past generations is looked upon as the most stressful part of the day for a large portion of households now. Which from an outsider’s point of view can be a bit of an overkill compared to all the other things people have to deal with in our fast-paced world.
Overcoming this hurdle and not turning it into a bigger problem is as easy as shying away from readymade meals and take out. By making an effort to finding simple recipes for healthy meals and basing the shopping on those ingredients could be the ultimate solution to this problem. All it really takes is self-discipline, taking time to make a list and deciding on the weekly menu plan for all meals to be centered around it.
Who packs the lunches? The Parents do.
The nutritional aspect of meal prep should carry over to breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, one of the biggest traps most parents fall into is the need to pack snacks into their kid’s school lunches. The most common of choices are sugary juices, sodas and energy drinks, which are loaded with sodium, caffeine and artificial sweeteners. Bagged treats aren’t that much better since most of which come in the form of cookies, chips and fruit snacks that have absolutely nothing to do with fruit, but are sugar, food coloring and water formed into shapes.
Who can ultimately control what kids eat, thereby saving them from diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity? The parents can.
What it all boils down to is that the biggest factor which severely sabotages the fight against childhood obesity is the fact that most parents do not realize that not only does a child’s dietary lifestyle have to be changed but the effect should cross over into theirs as well. Conquering that hurdle will make overcoming and preventing childhood obesity so much easier.
Let’s be honest, if the junk food and snacks aren’t there, then the kids won’t eat it because the access they have to it will be gone. To most parents battling with this epidemic it’s easier said than done. Nevertheless, once they understand and face it having childhood obesity be a thing from the past could very well turn into our society's new reality.

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