It’s no secret that an obesity epidemic is infringing upon our society. This new normal in society is easier to take if it’s simply seen as weight gain. Nevertheless, the truth behind the sugar coated “they’re just getting fat” term does more harm than good. The cold hard truth of the matter is that obesity is not the new normal that should be accepted without question, but a disease. Denying this fact becomes difficult to do when the inevitable consequences are examined and exposed.
There is nothing normal about diabetes, at high risk of a heart attack, an endless array of variety of cancers and death. Characterizing it as such is nothing short of irresponsible laziness and a harmful fatal denial.
For those caught within the web of extreme weight gain it doesn’t take very long to fall into the mindset of desperation. Suddenly, any solution rumored to work is tried out. One of the most common misconceptions dieters tend to get wrapped up in is the obsessive tendency to calorie count every single meal no matter how big or small.
Quick fixes simply keep the problem at bay. At the end of a short period of time, it is not only back with a force, but worse than ever.
With the busy life styles so many consumers trying to calorie count every single meal is incredibly unrealistic. Naturally, corporations have found a way to cash in on this phenomenon since individuals concerned with their health could easily translate into a potential profitable customer base.
Money! Money! Money! It’s what makes the world go round…
It would be naive to think that big corporations are simply getting involved out of the goodness of their hearts and sudden need to help their fellow man. What it all boils down to is financial gain. Any product that can get the job done quicker is the winning product. Hence, brings to light societies' ever present need to achieve instant gratification in everything, including health.
Are low calorie meals the solution or just a wolf in sheep’s clothing?
One of the leading products that seems to deliver on the key points of low fat, low calories are so called better for you frozen microwavable meals. Some of the leading producers of this easy peesy calorie count displayed on the box meals are Lean Cuisine, Smart Ones, Healthy Choice, Atkins as well as the popular home delivery programs South Beach Diet and Nutrisystem.
With the rhetoric of fewer calories being the key to losing weight. It’s no surprise that shopper’s eyes tend to zoom in on the amount of calories these readymade meals contain while completely disregarding anything else. This just logical right? These meals have a lower calorie count which translates to lower fat count so doesn’t that mean they’re generally healthier? The answer will shock a lot of people, but the answer is a big fat (no pun intended) wrong!
After taking a closer look as to what’s really in these meals the level of salt and artificial sweeteners is staggering. It’s not rocket science to realize that these clearly translate into diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Somehow the term “healthier for you” starts to show its true colors and reveal its true form which is not a weight loss solution but a form of propaganda.
Now you see it. Now you don’t. Then snap it’s back again!
Low calorie meals loaded with salt, artificial sweeteners and loads of other preservatives are far from the key to weight loss management. To suggest that a diet of frozen meals would be a long-term solution for anyone is anything but realistic. If anything it could best be described as a crash diet. The weight will come back on just as fast as it came off.
Fat isn’t always the enemy.
The root to the problem lies in the very place it started, everyday dietary choices. In order to not only lose weight keep it off calorie counting should be down the list of priorities. Not all fat leads to heart attacks. In reality, a good portion of it such as that found in nuts is essential for the body to sustain itself. So, before turning away from a product because of its calorie content stop and read the fine print. Where do these calories come from? Could they actually heighten weight-loss success instead of hindering it?
Quick fixes aren’t the answer instead. It takes discipline, strategy and planning. There simply isn’t any room for crash diets and easy fixes. Instead permanent changes that may take a little long, but will last a life time.
If weight loss and healthier lifestyle is truly your goal stop and think. Changing what’s on your plate is only half the battle. A complete lifestyle makeover is what’s in order. Where’s the best place to start? The answer is actually quite easy. Complicated mystery ingredients are a thing from the past. Leafy green veggies, healthy sources of fat, lean meat and a moderated source of natural sweeteners are the key.
So put down the calorie counter and crash diet fads. Search out all natural ingredients that not only make you look good from the outside, but the inside as well.
At the end of the day that’s what really counts.
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