Friday, May 19, 2017

Should you Pay for Airfare? Even Celebrities are opting to Drive Themselves over Flying

By Mary Thompson -  Does Paying for Airfare Count for Anything? Who flies for pleasure? That’s indeed the million-dollar question.  To most people the thought...

from Anand Bhatt's READY FOR THE RED CARPET Blog
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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Is Political Correctness Killing Comedy?

    Like Chris Rock and Larry the Cable Guy, Jerry Seinfeld once told Entertainment Weekly in an article affectionately titled “Jerry Seinfeld: College students...

from Anand Bhatt's READY FOR THE RED CARPET Blog
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Childhood Obesity: How to Face It and Conquer It

Who buys the food? The parents do.
It used to be that one of the main reasons kids would go to the doctor was because of a nasty case of the flu or run of the mill ear infection. For the most part, after few days of anti-biotics the problem would be solved, and it would just be chucked off to a part of growing up.
Sadly, what has started to emerge as a result of economic growth across the United States, which has practically brought an end to the starvation of American children, is the epidemic of childhood obesity. Some will argue that it could simply be the new normal and putting it in the negative light could severely damage a child’s body image and self-confidence. However, what can’t be escaped is the life time health complications that could decrease a child’s life span by more than half as a result of long term fatal diseases they would have to deal with. Those characteristics prove one thing; obesity is indeed a disease. Classifying it as the new normal thereby something that should just be expected as part of the changing times is not only impossible, but irresponsible as well.
So, if this epidemic is, in fact, a disease, why aren’t parents doing more to curve it? Is there a hidden cause they’re not aware of? Unfortunately, the answer is negative to both questions. They’re not doing enough to curve it because they model bad dietary habits in front of their children, which lead to obesity. The cause is far from hidden since most parents are quite aware of it in fact, sugary snacks, fast food, saturated fat, fast food, ready made meals, etc. etc. etc. become part of their only daily meal prep routines as well.
What tastes so good today could kill you later. Say that these days and you might as well ask for the mob with pitch forks to wait outside your house. However, until more parents wake up to that reality and not take offence to it they’ll continue to buy the food that may taste good, but in reality, is slowly putting their children into an early grave.
So, how do we fix this?
Buy healthy food and not packages of brightly-colored morsels loaded with ingredients that are high in all ingredients that taste great, but ultimately could cut a life time in half. To most parents this is definitely easier said than done since it’s true these do taste pretty good and there is no way to deny the fact that they are cheap as well. Nevertheless, avoiding it is the key to success. Could the best way to accomplish this be as simple as creating a list? Who knew?
Who prepares the meals? The parents do.
Asking most parents to cook these days is akin to implementing joining a triathlon mandatory. What was considered to be a normal part of routines for past generations is looked upon as the most stressful part of the day for a large portion of households now. Which from an outsider’s point of view can be a bit of an overkill compared to all the other things people have to deal with in our fast-paced world.
Overcoming this hurdle and not turning it into a bigger problem is as easy as shying away from readymade meals and take out. By making an effort to finding simple recipes for healthy meals and basing the shopping on those ingredients could be the ultimate solution to this problem. All it really takes is self-discipline, taking time to make a list and deciding on the weekly menu plan for all meals to be centered around it.
Who packs the lunches? The Parents do.
The nutritional aspect of meal prep should carry over to breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, one of the biggest traps most parents fall into is the need to pack snacks into their kid’s school lunches. The most common of choices are sugary juices, sodas and energy drinks, which are loaded with sodium, caffeine and artificial sweeteners. Bagged treats aren’t that much better since most of which come in the form of cookies, chips and fruit snacks that have absolutely nothing to do with fruit, but are sugar, food coloring and water formed into shapes.
Who can ultimately control what kids eat, thereby saving them from diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity? The parents can.
What it all boils down to is that the biggest factor which severely sabotages the fight against childhood obesity is the fact that most parents do not realize that not only does a child’s dietary lifestyle have to be changed but the effect should cross over into theirs as well. Conquering that hurdle will make overcoming and preventing childhood obesity so much easier.
Let’s be honest, if the junk food and snacks aren’t there, then the kids won’t eat it because the access they have to it will be gone. To most parents battling with this epidemic it’s easier said than done. Nevertheless, once they understand and face it having childhood obesity be a thing from the past could very well turn into our society's new reality.

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Saturday, May 13, 2017

Could Chocolate and Wine be Good for the Heart and Soul?

Here's a topic every Lady wants to hear about!
Eating healthy used to be a chore. The natural misconception was that what’s classified as food that’s good for your health probably tastes awful. However, as a result of breakthrough research studies it’s come to light that what once was considered to be a vice a guilty pleasure could actually help people lose a few pounds and prevent as well as cure other diseases.
What are these hidden treasures people not only crave, but are essential to life longevity as well?
The answer may shock a lot of people, but these things that are for pleasure and good for you too are none other than red wine and dark chocolate.
Dark chocolate is good for what ails you and so much more…
Health has always been of deep concern to so many individuals. But, with insurance rates going through the roof hardly anyone can afford to get sick anymore. Thus, the popularity of making use of immunity boosters and home remedies has made a sudden comeback.
There isn’t anyone that won’t admit they occasionally enjoy a bit of dark chocolate. Who knew that this savory treat could do more than just awaken endorphins, which elevate one’s mood? Benefits seem endless from being a powerful anti-oxidant, stabilizes blood pressure, improves brain function and is essential to the prevention of heart disease.
Indulging in a piece of dark chocolate is surely easier than taking so many prescription pills. That the only way of keeping track of them is through the use of separate compartments set apart by different days and times.
Just as addictive, but the results are far from negative.
In some instances, dark chocolate can be just as addictive as prescription pills. Nevertheless, at least it won’t result in drug overdoses that can result in an imbalance of chemical compositions that could eventually lead to death. In other words, these prescription drugs seem to do more harm than good. Whereas, it’s practically impossible to identify any negative side effects of dark chocolate.
Last but not least we mustn’t forget the benefit this treat has on the largest and most obsessed about part of the body, which is the skin. With the coming of the summer season being just around the corner, so is the high risk of skin cancer.
Another body part that benefits from the consumption of dark chocolate is just as precious as skin is the hair. Comparing really good dark chocolate, which won’t cost an arm and a leg as well as taste good, to an expensive bottle of shampoo, which will probably cost a good portion of weeks’ pay is hardly apples to apples. So, no matter how you look at it there is no contest the dark chocolate comes out on top.
Surely a glass of red wine every night must do more than result in warm fuzzy feelings?
For those of you who do enjoy a glass red wine after dinner every night, you’ll be glad to know that yes warm fuzzy feelings are not all you’ll get from this popular indulgence. The medicinal benefits are not only preventative, but can serve as a cure as well. These can range from increases to sharpness of mind, improve bone health, fight against high blood sugar, which can ward of diabetes and most surprisingly decrease the chances of contracting ovarian cancer. As well as cure the cancer cells if they’re already present.
So, what exactly makes this possible?
It isn’t simply wishful thinking, word of mouth and old wives’ tales that can attest to these cures and benefits. As it with any medicinal product there are certain compounds at work. Theobromine which is otherwise known as xantheose found in dark chocolate widens the blood vessels thus decreasing the causes of the leading cause of death in most Americans which is heart attacks and heart disease.
In the case of red wine, the key ingredient resveratrol has been proven to prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease. They have also been shown to fight against neurodegenerative disease as well as one of the most common ailments of so many Americans which is the rapid rise of diabetes.
Is there such a thing as too much pleasure?
Suddenly, a healthy lifestyle doesn’t seem so akin to dreaming the impossible dream. In fact, it requires little to no effort at all. After all is there anyone who enjoys denying oneself pleasure every now and then?

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Friday, May 12, 2017

How to Look for Real and Legit Facebook Coupons and Ads

By Mary Thompson -    Long gone are the days of reading the morning paper during breakfast and settling down with a good book before bed. The social media global...

from Anand Bhatt's READY FOR THE RED CARPET Blog
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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Keeping Kids Safe on the Internet - SHARE This

  Weirdos are talking to our kids again online! We thought that trend ended years ago, but our complacency has allowed this problem to return.  I remember back when I...

from Anand Bhatt's READY FOR THE RED CARPET Blog
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Monday, May 8, 2017

Save Your Money - Watch Out for These Scammy Facebook Ads

Just Cause it’s on Facebook Doesn’t Mean it’s Legit
Why look elsewhere when it’s all here?
Long gone are the days of reading the morning paper during breakfast and settling down with a good
book before bed. The social media global phenomenon, Facebook has managed to move its way into
every aspect of our lives. Not only can it be access through any device that’s capable of connecting to
WI-FI, but it is basically a one-stop shop for everything we need to keep informed on throughout the
Our societies’ need for instant gratification seems to take over the desire we have to communicate with
loved ones, but catch up on the news as well. Getting false information is one thing since this can easily
be remedied through verifying it through reliable sources. However, the one source of information
found on Facebook, which can do more lasting harm than a few hours of confusion are websites, which
advertise great products for incredibly cheap prices.
There’s a difference between smart shopping and simply being gullible.
For those unlucky enough to stumble onto these prices, the urge to make a purchase may be too
difficult to resist since who wouldn’t want to acquire designer clothes for practically closeout prices? As
a matter a fact some of these price tags are reduced so far, they’re practically free.
Once you start, you can’t stop…
As it is with all retailers that offer great-looking products for practically close out prices. Simply buying
only buying one or two products seems to fly out the window once further browsing uncovers so many
other products that are practically a steal. Passing them by seems to be close to idiotic. After all is saving
money never a bad thing?
There’s got to be a catch right? These ads must be legit since they are located on Facebook a trusted
social media platform recognized not only in the United States but around the world as well. They must
be on the up and up right? WRONG!
You’ve been duped…
The accomplishment of saving a lot of money can certainly put a spring in anyone’s step. It’s practically
as great as waiting with bated breath breath anticipation for the gorgeous clothes that are at times
cheaper than consignment sales, to arrive. That’s until the package that couldn’t arrive fast enough is
finally delivered that the excitement is diminished as fast as it came.
Upon examining the contents anger and frustration quickly sets in. The clothes are certainly similar to
what was advertised on the website, nevertheless; their similarities end there. These similarities of the
same color and pattern is all they have. The quality of each item is so deplorable that they resemble
clothing put together by someone who sewed them using a sewing machine probably in a basement
somewhere. This is certainly a far cry for the so-called designer pieces that were anticipated.
What could be worse than this? Just you wait…you haven't seen anything yet!
Some of these online shops may look good from the outside, but that’s as far as it goes since, in reality,
there’s no substance to begin with. Long story short just because orders are placed doesn’t mean
they’re ever going to arrive chances are they won’t.
So, is shopping in online shops advertised on Facebook simply out of the question? Is it possible to
decipher the legitimate from the faux?
To the naked eye, trying to attempt this task would be close to impossible. Trying to shop by instinct
could neither turn out really well or put a serious dent in your bank account, without much to be gained
from it rather than a headache? Well lucky for you all of the guess work has virtually been eliminated.
A full list of the culprits who prey upon unsuspecting shoppers is as follows:
 Rose Gal
 SheIn
 Tobi
However, just because we’ve been able to weed out the main players in this scheme doesn’t mean no
one will ever be conned by phony Facebook's ads again. Just remember to be weary of online shops that
offer designer clothes at ridiculously low prices.
Not following this advice could lead to some serious consequences:
 Paying for products that will never arrive.
 Damaged or poorly made clothing that don’t fit.
 Customer service representatives that are impossible to get a hold of.
Just remember when in doubt…
Check it out!

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Saturday, May 6, 2017

The Paleo Diet, a passing trend? Or the New Normal?

By Mary Thompson -    Could the normal of the past be what we should come to expect as a common place in the present as well?   It’s no secret that most of the...

from Anand Bhatt's READY FOR THE RED CARPET Blog
Best Way to Learn a Language - Easy and Fast

Friday, May 5, 2017

Impress Your Significant Other Tonight with these Easy Moves

    You may think dancing Latindian Style is too hard to learn on the spot just by watching a quick video, and that may be true for some moves - but not so for the...

from Anand Bhatt's READY FOR THE RED CARPET Blog
Best Way to Learn a Language - Easy and Fast

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Musician's Friend Stupid Deal of the Day

  LOL that's right, you read that title correctly! I first discovered Musican's Friend when I was a teenager. Back then, the only real options to get gear were to...

from Anand Bhatt's READY FOR THE RED CARPET Blog
Best Way to Learn a Language - Easy and Fast

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Could Dark Chocolate and Red Wine Really Be GOOD FOR YOU?

By Mary Thompson -  It doesn’t have to taste Like Cardboard to be good for you too.  Eating healthy used to be a chore. The natural misconception was that...

from Anand Bhatt's READY FOR THE RED CARPET Blog
Best Way to Learn a Language - Easy and Fast

Monday, May 1, 2017

Childhood Obesity How to Face It and Conquer It

By Mary Thompson -    It used to be that one of the main reasons kids would go to the doctor was because of a nasty case of the flu or run of the mill ear infection....

from Anand Bhatt's READY FOR THE RED CARPET Blog
Best Way to Learn a Language - Easy and Fast

Why You Need a Fitness Routine to Combat Obesity

It’s no secret that an obesity epidemic is infringing upon our society. This new normal in society is easier to take if it’s simply seen as weight gain. Nevertheless, the truth behind the sugar coated “they’re just getting fat” term does more harm than good. The cold hard truth of the matter is that obesity is not the new normal that should be accepted without question, but a disease. Denying this fact becomes difficult to do when the inevitable consequences are examined and exposed.
There is nothing normal about diabetes, at high risk of a heart attack, an endless array of variety of cancers and death. Characterizing it as such is nothing short of irresponsible laziness and a harmful fatal denial.
For those caught within the web of extreme weight gain it doesn’t take very long to fall into the mindset of desperation. Suddenly, any solution rumored to work is tried out. One of the most common misconceptions dieters tend to get wrapped up in is the obsessive tendency to calorie count every single meal no matter how big or small.
Quick fixes simply keep the problem at bay. At the end of a short period of time, it is not only back with a force, but worse than ever.
With the busy life styles so many consumers trying to calorie count every single meal is incredibly unrealistic. Naturally, corporations have found a way to cash in on this phenomenon since individuals concerned with their health could easily translate into a potential profitable customer base.
Money! Money! Money! It’s what makes the world go round…
It would be naive to think that big corporations are simply getting involved out of the goodness of their hearts and sudden need to help their fellow man. What it all boils down to is financial gain. Any product that can get the job done quicker is the winning product. Hence, brings to light societies' ever present need to achieve instant gratification in everything, including health.
Are low calorie meals the solution or just a wolf in sheep’s clothing?
One of the leading products that seems to deliver on the key points of low fat, low calories are so called better for you frozen microwavable meals. Some of the leading producers of this easy peesy calorie count displayed on the box meals are Lean Cuisine, Smart Ones, Healthy Choice, Atkins as well as the popular home delivery programs South Beach Diet and Nutrisystem.
With the rhetoric of fewer calories being the key to losing weight. It’s no surprise that shopper’s eyes tend to zoom in on the amount of calories these readymade meals contain while completely disregarding anything else. This just logical right? These meals have a lower calorie count which translates to lower fat count so doesn’t that mean they’re generally healthier? The answer will shock a lot of people, but the answer is a big fat (no pun intended) wrong!
After taking a closer look as to what’s really in these meals the level of salt and artificial sweeteners is staggering. It’s not rocket science to realize that these clearly translate into diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Somehow the term “healthier for you” starts to show its true colors and reveal its true form which is not a weight loss solution but a form of propaganda.
Now you see it. Now you don’t. Then snap it’s back again!
Low calorie meals loaded with salt, artificial sweeteners and loads of other preservatives are far from the key to weight loss management. To suggest that a diet of frozen meals would be a long-term solution for anyone is anything but realistic. If anything it could best be described as a crash diet. The weight will come back on just as fast as it came off.
Fat isn’t always the enemy.
The root to the problem lies in the very place it started, everyday dietary choices. In order to not only lose weight keep it off calorie counting should be down the list of priorities. Not all fat leads to heart attacks. In reality, a good portion of it such as that found in nuts is essential for the body to sustain itself. So, before turning away from a product because of its calorie content stop and read the fine print. Where do these calories come from? Could they actually heighten weight-loss success instead of hindering it?
Quick fixes aren’t the answer instead. It takes discipline, strategy and planning. There simply isn’t any room for crash diets and easy fixes. Instead permanent changes that may take a little long, but will last a life time.
If weight loss and healthier lifestyle is truly your goal stop and think. Changing what’s on your plate is only half the battle. A complete lifestyle makeover is what’s in order. Where’s the best place to start? The answer is actually quite easy. Complicated mystery ingredients are a thing from the past. Leafy green veggies, healthy sources of fat, lean meat and a moderated source of natural sweeteners are the key.
So put down the calorie counter and crash diet fads. Search out all natural ingredients that not only make you look good from the outside, but the inside as well.
At the end of the day that’s what really counts.

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